Eye Progress

December 19, 2019

I've been working on a human eye recently. It's not done, but I think I'll put up a description (or even a youtube tutorial?) on how to make a fully procedural eye once I'm done. Or at least a vanity post of how many nodes I used. It contains no images/textures. Everything is generated using math and noise functions, in particular Blender's standard Cycle's Perlin noise implementation, Musgrave, and Voronoi.

you seem to not be able to see the image

You can tell it's not done based on the iris color, and the fact that I haven't rendered it with the clear gel layer that the eye typically has around it, which would cause some much needed refraction. Also this version doesn't tone down the veins as much as needed. Still, I'm pretty happy with some of the results so far so I figured I'd put it out here.